From left to right – Harry Clay, Dave Stimson, (unknown), Station Manager (unknown), Ray Wood, Vince Sim, Stewart Hewison
Can you put a name to the faces of those persons 3rd & 4th from the left in the above photo?
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Phil Mann says that he thinks that the 4th from left is Austin Houseman, Doonside Station Manager at the time.
Hi Peter!
You know who knows! Neil Yakalis who has memories of EVERYTHING!! Hey, my Dad, Alan, isn’t there? That’s disappointing. Mind you there are a few men missing.
Harry Clay bred Collies.
Vince Sims was like a second dad; he was MC at my wedding in 1973. Stewart….well…so many stories. Could one of the men be Mr Bullen /Mr Seaton/ Mr Mahoney? I’ll send the photo on to my brother, he may remember.
Kind Regards
Lorraine Thomas (née Ritchie).
Neil Yakalis confirms that the 4th from the left is Austin Houseman
Ed Willingham says that 3rd person in the photo is Brian Baker
Photo of Alan Ritchie sent to me by his daughter Lorraine Thomas. Alan came across from AWA as a ships radio officer & technician. He served at numerous OTC out stations & brought a wealth of knowledge back to his last station Doonside. I was very fortunate to be trained practically by Alan before he retired.
TO1A Stewart Hewison on watch with TO1 Allen Gravelle at Doonside mid 1970’s. TO2 Jack Bullen is in the distance at the supervisors desk.