Reunion at the Rosella Picnic Area, Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside – Sunday 11 March 2012
A big ‘thank you’ goes out to Maree Giddins who organised the day.
Maree arrived before 10am to secure the site for us. Had the weather not been
favourable we would have been even more grateful to Maree for her choice of venue.
As it was the weather gods were on our side and the day was warm and sunny with a
slight breeze to keep us cool as we related many stories of our experiences in OTC and/or
Reach featuring many of the members of those with whom we enjoy fantastic memories.
Many I had not seen for more than 20 years and it was good to see that we have not lost our collective enthusiasm and great personality that helped to make OTC and Reach the great place that we all remember.
Thank to Tim Jenson for taking the photos. The complete set of photos can be viewed at the following web site:
Any chance this might become an annual event?
Yes, Neil this may become a regular event but it will not be an event restricted to OTVA members. Anyone who wants to attend will be entitled to do so.
We may seek nominations for an event coordinator at the AGM.